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Protec Power Systems Protec Power Systems

Protec Power Systems Protec Power Systems

Protec Power Systems Protec Power Systems

Protec Power Systems Protec Power Systems

Protec Power Systems Protec Power Systems

Engr. Utpal K. Das (Propreitor)

Short Autobiography of Mr. Das:

Graduated in Electrical and Electronic Engineering in the year 1992 from CUET (Ex BIT Chittagong). Qualified LEAD AUDITOR with ALLEN & GRIFFITH’S, UK Started his career in production with the Star Mercantile Industries Ltd. (Nippon TV & Electronic appliance) and served them from 1992 to 1994.

Joined in ENERGYPAC Engineering Ltd. in 1994 and served them till Dec 1999. In Energypac he carried out his responsibilities as head of Sales and Marketing. During his time ENERGYPAC has got its basic infrastructure with multiplication of its turnover in every consecutive year.

Mr. Das started Business with POWERMANN Bangladesh Ltd. from the year 2000

Mr. Das is the introducer of local make “DIGITAL METER” in Bangladesh

Experienced in SME


Top management handling

Monitoring all Department

Leading the sales & Marketing team

Business innovation , Diversification & expansion planning

International sourcing

Customer complaints & Feedback monitoring

Other Business:

Managing Director              : Protec Electronics Ltd.

Proprietor                             : Protec Power Systems

Managing Director              : POWERmann Solutions Ltd.

Ex Council Member            : IEB, Dhaka Center

Life Fellow                           : IEB, Engineer Recreation Club

President                               : Maan Committee on Transformer & Switchgear  BSTI (ET1) Bangladesh
: Mann Committee on Meters BSTI Bangladesh
: Standing committee of SME, DCCI
: Standing committee on sick industries, FBCCI
: Standing committee on Energy Power and Mineral resources, FBCCI

Member                                 : IBFB (International Business Forum of Bangladesh)

Social Activities:

General Sectary                    : Bangladesh Association of Die & Mould Makers (BADMM)

General Sectary : Manufacturing Association of Transformer & Switch-gear  (MATS)

Life Member                         : AACL (All Community Club Ltd)